This tutorial will look at a quick method within FL Studio that allows you to manipulate these parameters. Variation in both timing and velocity are the easiest ways in which this is achieved. In the context of music production, this term refers to the introduction of random, subtle variation back into the music, which can often leave you with a more natural sound. This can sometimes leave electronic music sounding somewhat flat or lifeless, usually due to a lack of ‘ humanization.’ When producing music inside of a DAW, it can sometimes be easy to overlook the elements that go into making music sound human. This article will look at how you can quickly introduce randomized velocity into your FL Studio productions. Wan't To Fix Annoying Crackling In FL Studio? Randomizing Velocity.Why doesn't randomization always sound right when I use it?.Can you randomize the starting position of notes in FL Studio?.In what cases should I use velocity randomization?.What else can the randomizer be used for?.Can you apply velocity to samples in the playlist?.Using this method is an excellent way for collaborating with other producers. I will be calling mine MIDI Exclusive, find the location you want to export your MIDI file and press Enter. To do this, I go over to the main menu, click on File and Export as MIDI File. What is the benefit of randomization in music production? To export a MIDI file, We can then use the basic main menu options in the piano roll to export the MIDI, and then re-import it in the new project.